1 . A Brave Beginning, 1816-1821
2 . New Building, Silent Rooms, 1821-1837
3 . One College or Several? 1838-1847
4 . Through the Shallows, 1848-1864
5 . Great Talent, Little Money, 1863-1879
6 . George Munro and the Big Change, 1879-1887
7 . A Maturing Confidence, 1887-1901
8 . Expanding: A Quest for Space, 1901-1914
9 . The Great War and After, 1914-1922
10 . Towards University Federation, 1921-1925
Appendix 1: The Dalhousie Act of 1863
Appendix 2: Agreement of Association between Dalhousie University and King's College
Appendix 3: Enrollment at Dalhousie, 1863-4 to 1924-5
Appendix 4: Origin of Dalhousie Students, 1863 to 1930
Appendix 5: Two Dalhousie Student Songs
List of Illustrations
George Ramsay, ninth Earl of Dalhousie
Dalhousie College in 1825, looking north
Dr. Thomas McCulloch in the 1840s
Halifax Tandem Club, in front of Dalhousie College
Halifax in 1860, from Dartmouth
Dalhousie College about 1875, from Barrington Street
James Ross, Principal, 1863-85
Charles Macdonald, Professor of Mathematics, 1863-1901
John Johnson, Professor of Classics, 1863-94
William Lyall, Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, 1863-90
George Lawson, Professor of Chemistry, 1863-95
James De Mille, Professor of History and Rhetoric, 1866-80
John Forrest, President, 1885-1911
Dean Richard Weldon, first dean of law, 1883-1914
Entrance Hall, Dalhousie College, 1896
Archibald MacMechan, Munro Professor of English, 1889-1931
The staff of the Dalhousie Gazette, 1894
James G. MacGregor, Munro Professor of Physics, 1879-1901
George S. Campbell, chairman of the Board of Governors, 1908-27
A. Stanley MacKenzie, President, 1911-31
Frank Darling of Toronto, architect of Studley campus
The Macdonald Memorial Library: exterior
The Macdonald Memorial Library: interior
Damage to Science Building in the 1917 explosion
Alumni procession, 1919, forming up on the Grand Parade
Shirreff Hall: the Prince of Wales laying cornerstone
Shirreff Hall: library and study room
Eben Mackay, Professor of Chemistry, 1896-1920