
Acknowledgments & Preface

1 . Dalhousie in the 1920s

2 . Changing the Guard, 1929-1933

3 . Carleton Stanley’s Kingdom: Dalhousie 1933-1938

4 . Dalhousie, the Second World War, and the Philosopher-King, 1939-1943

5 . Firing Carleton Stanley, 1943-1945

6 . A.E. Kerr and the Veterans, 1945-1951

7 . The Ways of the Fifties, 1951-1957

8 . In the Fast Lane: C.D. Howe, Lady Dunn, and Others, 1957-1963

9 . Dalhousie Being Transformed: The First Years of Henry Hicks, 1963-1968

10 . Testing Limits: The Cohn, the Killam, the Life Sciences, the Radicals, 1968-1972

11 . Coming to the Plateau, 1972-1976

12 . Shifting Power: The End of the Hicks Regime, 1976-1980

Statistical Appendix

Bibliographic Essay


List of Illustrations

Professor Archibald MacMechan’s book plate

C.L. Bennet in the 1920s

Herbert Leslie Stewart, Professor of Philosophy, 1913-47

A group of Dalhousie students and alumnae, late 1920s

Dalhousie Gazette cartoon and poem, January 1925

Convocation procession, May 1931

Carleton Stanley, President of Dalhousie, 1931-45

Murray Macneill, Professor of Mathematics, 1907-42, Registrar, 1908-36

At the Convocation Ball, May 1939

Colonel K.C. Laurie, Chairman of the Board, 1943-55

Student convocation committee outside Shirreff Hall, 1942

Professor R.A. MacKay and his son, W.A. MacKay

A.E. Kerr, President of Dalhousie, 1945-63, about 1948

George Earle Wilson, Professor of History, 1919-69

Veterans at Burns Martin’s class in English, about 1947

A class in biology in 1948, with the usual segregation

The Dalhousie Gazette office and its staff, 1947

The Arts Building about 1950

J.H. Aitchison, Eric Dennis Professor of Political Science, 1949-74

Rugby on a wet day in November 1948

A visit from Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, November 1951

The Dalhousie Senate’s first meeting in the new Arts and Administration Building, January 1952

R.L. deC. H. Saunders, Professor of Anatomy, 1937-74

Horace Read, Dean of Law, 1950-64, Vice-President, 1964-9

The Sudley campus from the air, August 1957

Dalhousie’s first chancellor, C.D. Howe

Howe laying the cornerstone of the men’s residence, October 1959

Donald McInnes, Chairman of the Board, 1958-80

Lady Dunn presenting Donald McInnes with the key of the Sir James Dunn Science Building, 1960

George Grant, Professor of Philosophy, 1947-60 and Killam Professor of Religion, 1980-4

A succession of physicists, about 1960

A low temperature physics experiment in the Sir James Dunn Building

Robert Chambers cartoon on the wit of Henry Hicks

Hicks on a bulldozer breaking ground for the new Law Building

Hicks addressing convocation, 1968

Dorothy Johnston Killam, about 1964

Looking west from above the partly finished Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, 1967

The Queen Mother at the opening of the Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, 1967

The first graduates of the new Bachelor of Nursing program, July 1967

Lady Beaverbrook at opening of the Sir James Dunn Law Library, March 1967

Hoisting the new IBM 1620 into the Dunn Building, March 1964

H.B.S. Cooke returns to paleontology after 1968

The six Dalhousie deans, 1967

President Tito and Sir Fitzroy Maclean receive Dalhousie honorary degrees, November 1971

L.G. Vagianos, University Librarian, 1966-9, and later Vice-President Administration

Four doctors in 1978: R.C. Dickson, C.B. Weld, Sir Peter Medawar, and Chester Stewart

Guy MacLean, Professor of History, Dean of Arts and Science, and later Vice-President Academic, 1974-80

Kraft von Maltzahn, Chairman of Biology, and Gordon Riley, Director of Oceanography

Arnold Tingley, Professor of Mathematics, Dalhousie Registrar, 1973-85

A peripatetic president, cartoon from University News 325

Looking at examination results, 1976

Beatrice R.E. Smith, Registrar, 1952-68

K.T. Leffek, Professor of Chemistry, Dean of Graduate Studies, 1972-90

Honorary degree recipients, May 1974

L.B. Macpherson, Dean of Medicine, 1971-6

A learnedness of lawyers, 1973

Chambers in Halifax Herald, 1971, on property taxation

Three successful female athletes in 1972

Hicks as art critic in 1967, photograph, painting

Hicks as art critic in 1967, cartoon

Eric Perth, Cohn Auditorium impresario, and assistants

The Dalart Trio in 1976

The Dalplex Building in 1979

Signing the contract, the Dalhousie Staff Association and the Board of Governors representatives, May 1975

John F. Graham, Professor of Economics, 1949-89, as Royal Commission chairman, 1973

Michael Power, President of Students’ Council, 1978-9

W.A. MacKay, Vice-President, 1969-80, President, 1980-6

Nova Scotia and university expansion: a Chambers cartoon of 1974

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